Cash flow is the lifeblood of small businesses. Cash comes from sales, collections of account receivables, and the sale of assets. On the other hand, cash flows out to meet all expenses and debt obligations of the business. The goal of good cash flow management is to have enough cash on hand when you need it. This is a simple concept, yet in practice, eludes even the biggest operations. So long as more money seems to be coming into the business than going out, many small business owners do not give cash management a second thought, and that leaves them vulnerable to all kinds of cash-flow dangers.
Learning good cash flow techniques ensures that the company always has enough cash to meet its legal obligations. Adequate cash helps obtain whatever funds are required from external sources at the right time, in the right form, and on the best possible terms. A shortage of cash flow could result in the loss of valuable trade discounts or, in extreme circumstances, financial embarrassment and bankruptcy.
Ensuring your bookkeeping is done regularly by an experienced bookkeeper will help you to get a clearer picture of your firm’s cash flow.